Sunday, June 08, 2008

Arriving of Khmer Scholarship Students in MSU

Every year Cambodian students will be sent to learn in Thailand on the supported fund from Thailand. Those students are sent to Thai University according to subject they passed in their selective examination. This year, 2008, Mahasarakham University accepts six Cambodian students to have their study in Bachelor degree. They are honorably funded by Thai Royal Scholarship. The fields of their attending are in the Faculty of the inviroment, public health, and tourism. Four of them are attending in the faculty of tourism and the two in the public health and inviroment, respectively.
In the pictures, the activities of: 1. Cambodian student greeting by Mr. Charin and Mr. Sonnang, 2. In Wongkorn hotel course in Burirum, 3. In tailor's of MSU, and 4. on the brigde to dinning hall, in the MSU campus.

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